
This is the gallery section of eight cuts gallery, where we curate stunning work in interesting ways. Our current show is What There Is Instead of Rainbows. You can view our previosu shows here:

into the desert: announcing our launch exhibition

Once Upon a Time in a Gallery

(Details of the fantastic live launch at Oxford’s O3 Gallery here)

(You can find a full press release which you are free to use here)

Our first exhibition, Into the Desert, has been an inspiring project for me as a curator, exploring the possibilities of multiple formats and linking between pieces, creating new experiences with each viewing. We also had a wonderful time at our live show.

Please familiarise yourself with these exhibitions to get an idea of the kind of thing we are looking for in future shows.

about eight cuts gallery

the gallery is at the heart of the eight cuts gallery project. it is a different kind of gallery. a bit like a set of special ed anthologies. and a bit like white cube. only virtual. and for literature.

eight cuts gallery is a space for themed shows. We will post themes in advance. Because the space is virtual, writers can do pretty much what they want. Anyone is free to submit a proposal for any one of our shows. Acceptance will be based on three criteria alone – 1. Does it fit the show? 2. Do we absolutely love it? 3. Can we legally display it?

4 Responses to gallery

  1. Andy Harrod says:

    Sounds exciting, if time I may develop one of two ideas for this and see where they take me. Good luck with it.

  2. How exciting. The concept is interesting. Hm, the things buried deep in my subconscious are frightening, so it’ll be interesting to see what other people put forward. πŸ™‚

  3. Pingback: Modern Fairytales | eight cuts

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