Exchange Trip

10 February 2011, 6-8pm, O3 Gallery

£3/£1.50 students

There’s a Facebook event page here

You’ve probably heard a lot about how tough it is for first time writers of literary fiction to get a deal. Which it is, but tonight we have not one, not two, not three or four but five fantastic writers who managed it, reading the work that got them there. You can even stop and have a drinl and a chat and ask questions.

In the first of a fantastic double-header, five of the most exciting young writers from London are coming to Oxford for one night only for your delectation before inviting Oxford’s, er, finest back to London.

Lee Rourke is the author of the novel The Canal, the short story collection Everyday and A Brief History of Fables: From Aesop to Flash Fiction (September 2011).
Stuart Evers is the author of ‘Ten Stories About Smoking’ which Picador will publish in March this year. A former bookseller and editor, he now writes about books for the Guardian, Daily Telegraph, Independent, New Statesman and many other publications. He is currently completing his debut novel, The Carnival’s Tattoo.
Niven Govinden is the author of novels We Are The New Romantics and Graffiti My Soul. His short stories have appeared in numerous publications including Five Dials, Pen Pusher, Time Out, Stimulus Respond, Butt, and on BBC Radio 3.
Nikesh Shukla is a London-based author, filmmaker and poet. His writing has featured on BBC2, BBC Radio 1 and 4, and BBC Asian Network. He has performed at Royal Festival Hall, Book Club Boutique, Soho Theatre, The Big Chill, Rise Festival and Glastonbury. He is currently working on a sitcom for Channel 4.
Gavin James Bower graduated from the University of Sheffield in 2004 and, while interning that summer at Dazed & Confused, was asked to model for an upcoming issue. Joining agencies in London, Paris and Milan, he worked for John Galliano and Hermes. His journalism has appeared in FLUX and the Sunday Telegraph. He lives in London. Dazed and Aroused is his first novel.

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